Unleashed K9 has won the Orillia Reader's Choice Diamond Award for dog training for 6 years in a row!!
2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023!
Thank you

5/5 Stars on Facebook
& Rated TOP 3 DOG TRAINERS in Orillia

All classes and training seminars are taught in Unleashed K9's indoor rubber matted , heated training hall. This includes Barn Hunt seminars as there is a regulation BHA ring within the training hall.

Level 1 - Manners & Control
This course is for puppies 3 months of age or older & for all adult dogs that have not received any formal training. This 6 week course works to build the bond, enjoyment and focus through games and basic obedience exercises. Skills covered in this course include:
Sit, Down & Come under distractions
Go to a bed / mat on command
Loose leash walking (heeling)
Hand targets
Wait (food refusal AND at the door)
Let the games begin - games to build the bond and attention with the handler
SATURDAYS - March 22nd - April 26th, 2025
9:00 am - 9:45 am
$190 + HST for 6 week course

$190 + HST for 6 week course
Level 2 - Advanced Control
This course is for graduates of the Level 1 course. Increasing levels of distraction will be added while adding more control such as sit stays and down stays. Heel work progresses towards a random reward schedule and games are always added to keep the training fun! This course also works towards the Canine Good Neighbour (CGN) title requirements for those that are interested.
SATURDAYS - January 25th - March 1st, 2025
10:00 am - 10:45 am - FULL!
BARN HUNT Training

$65 + HST for 1/2 day seminar
Intro To Barn Hunt Seminar
Interested in trying a fast-growing exciting dog sport? What is barn hunt? Barn hunt is a sport where dogs use their sense of smell to locate (pet) rats safely enclosed in aerated tubes hidden in a barn like setting of hay/straw bales complete with tunnels and obstacles. The goal is for the dog to find all the hidden rat tubes as fast as possible without falsely indicated scented litter tubes or empty tubes which do not contain a live rat. My rats are well loved family pets and sport rules ensure the loving care and comfort of our little rat friends at all times :) Seminars are a 1/2 day intro for you and your dog to this exciting sport!